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Account Protection

How We Help Protect Your Account

To protect your account activity and information, CrossFirst Bank has implemented safeguards that are designed to detect, prevent, and mitigate any incidents of identity theft.

While no list of security practices can be all-inclusive and foolproof, CrossFirst Bank is committed to using the latest technology to provide secure transactions through our Online Banking service and to protect your personal information and privacy. We employ firewall technologies to protect your information and our computer systems from outside access by providing a second layer of security, selectively permitting or blocking traffic between the Internet and our protected network.

Among other security measures, we monitor web traffic and use anti-virus, anti-malware, and email encryption. We also employ multi-factor authentication (MFA) where appropriate. Additional security measures may be activated in response to certain activities or events which safeguard your identity and your accounts. In addition, we recommend you log off after each online session.

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