When selecting a bank for your agribusiness, there are several key considerations to keep in mind to ensure you partner with an institution that fully supports your unique needs.

  1. Experience. Banks with a longstanding history in agribusiness inherently understand the cyclical nature of farming and ranching and the specific financial challenges that come with it. The bankers at CrossFirst Bank, for instance, have years of expertise in agribusiness lending, allowing us to tailor our services to meet the evolving demands of the agriculture industry. CrossFirst Bank is an FSA (Farm Service Agency) Guarantee – Preferred Lender. FSA’s Guaranteed Farm Loan Programs help provide agriculture producers with access to loans from USDA-approved lenders at reasonable terms to acquire farmland or finance agricultural production.

  2. Range of financial solutions. A bank that offers a diverse array of services, from operating lines of credit to equipment loans and real estate financing, signals robust support for all facets of your business. Customized financial products can make a significant difference in managing cash flow, investing in new technology, or expanding operations.

  3. Customer service. Agribusinesses thrive on strong, dependable partnerships, and your banking relationship should be no different. At CrossFirst Bank, dedicated relationship managers work closely with clients to provide personalized advice and support, ensuring that financial solutions align with your business goals.

  4. Technological capabilities. In today's fast-paced world, having access to advanced digital and mobile banking tools can streamline your finances, saving you valuable time. CrossFirst Bank invests in state-of-the-art technology to offer seamless banking experiences, from mobile deposits to real-time account monitoring.

  5. Commitment. Institutions that actively engage with and invest in the agricultural sector are more likely to offer valuable insights and resources. CrossFirst Bank is deeply involved in supporting local agricultural initiatives, reflecting their commitment to the industry’s success and sustainability. Our agricultural bankers are also owner-operators, and personally understand the ins and outs of this complex industry.

Choosing the right bank for your agribusiness is a decision that can significantly impact your operations and growth. By prioritizing experience, a wide range of services, superior customer service, advanced technology, and community commitment, you can ensure that your financial partner is well-equipped to support your business's ongoing and unique needs. Click here to learn more about the agribusiness solutions available at CrossFirst Bank.